We spend our lives waiting for God to move His hand, just like how Habakkuk decided to wait on God from the watch tower. But perhaps if we look close enough at the details of our everyday lives, we will already see His handiwork. Miracles, we may call them. This blog is a listing of the things I have asked for, and were given; stuff I have sought, and found; and doors I have knocked upon, and have been opened.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Path to Christianity 2

At the embassy, things really changed. I got sent to various countries for conferences and meetings. I got a good break. Everytime they send me somewhere, I got a per diem at Norwegian rates (they call Odin rates). And I started being able to save up. We started buying more stuff in the house, and sent little Aya to nursery school. Things looked rather bright both spiritually and materially. Until I was told the embassy will close down the commercial section in Manila, a decision taken from HQ in Oslo. Many a new dad would have been scared *hitless, but at that time I was already having a strong enough faith in my God who has given me so much. An HR guy came to Manila to tell me that they will give me a package amounting to about a quarter of a million pesos. When I left government 3 years ago, after working for about 12 years as a civil servant, I even owed government about Php14,000. Here I am, after 3 years with the embassy, being sent packing with a hefty Php250,000. Now that is a lot of zeroes after the numbers 2 and 5. The HR guy was perplexed t see me happy, while all the others looked rather sad.

I used the money to co-share with my brother-in-law in buying a lot, and together we built a 3-storey house. I occupied the 2nd floor, a 1-bedroom unit. Finally I own a house. It was a bit of a shell, butwhile it was being constructed I found an opportunity to moonlight. I prepared a feasibility study together with some old friends for a wealthy Taipan, and got paid about half a milion pesos for it. So we were able to make the house look like a home eventually. There was still a little money left, so I also sold my battered 1990 Nissan Sentra, and upgraded to a 1995 Toyota Corolla.

I just have to be crazy not to think that my God is giving me a little boost.

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