We spend our lives waiting for God to move His hand, just like how Habakkuk decided to wait on God from the watch tower. But perhaps if we look close enough at the details of our everyday lives, we will already see His handiwork. Miracles, we may call them. This blog is a listing of the things I have asked for, and were given; stuff I have sought, and found; and doors I have knocked upon, and have been opened.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Wife is Life with a W

I look at this woman and I know I love her with every fibre of my being. We have been married for 15 years now (hope I got my math right, or I am sure I will be in deep trouble), and I still love her scent in the morning, at noon and at night. I even love her scent over the phone. I was 30 and she was 23 when we decided to tie the knot. We really did not know what we were doing. When we had our first child we messed up a lot of baby bottles and baby clothes and a long parade of other baby stuffs. But we figured it out, this thing called life, little by little. After 15 years I love the fact that I still can't stand the idea of her crying because of a word I said or a thing I did. I think she has so far cried twice in all these years, and I know it is two times too many.

I love the cuddling. I love the way she combs our daughters' hair. I love the hand-holding in the car, the morning husky voice, the X-Box 360 game interruptions, the regularly misplaced TV remote, and the tilted head when she signs papers. Oi, it is an avalanche of things to love in that little house of ours. And all these, I realize, are only as such because we found God somewhere along the way. Or it might be that the Lord found us.

Wife is life with a W. And a W is an inverted M. And M might we say, stands for "Miracle". I know it is quite a stretch, but I truly believe in the conspiracy of all the angels in heaven in making sure that two becomes one in the eyes of God and man. And I pray it stays that way until we are all wrinkled, toothless and black in the armpits.

Now, where is that TV remote...

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