We spend our lives waiting for God to move His hand, just like how Habakkuk decided to wait on God from the watch tower. But perhaps if we look close enough at the details of our everyday lives, we will already see His handiwork. Miracles, we may call them. This blog is a listing of the things I have asked for, and were given; stuff I have sought, and found; and doors I have knocked upon, and have been opened.

Friday, May 16, 2014

Christian and Freemason

I was a Christian first before I became a Freemason. I spent more than a year in my journey before I finally gained admission to a Lodge of Master Masons. Being a servant of God, I told myself that throughout the process, if I see anything that will run counter to my Christian faith, I will not hesitate to leave Masonry. But all I have seen so far has been consistent with my belief. Masonry is not a religion, but rather a fraternity; but it espouses Biblical principles as it is a brotherhood of men under the fatherhood of God. It requires a belief in a Supreme Being, and in my case I believe in the Lord. An atheist can not become a Freemason.

One will not be saved spiritually by becoming a Mason. But as a Mason, one may decide to embrace a very spiritual life, and if he finds his Christian faith he will be saved. After all, Freemasonry  is rested upon the principles of Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth. And through these principles, combined with the other Masonic disciplines taught as a progressive moral science, one will most likely be able to polish his rough edges and become a smooth ashlar. Bricks or stones chiseled properly to gain the right angles will make a strong wall or edifice. Conversely, a brick of the wrong shape will become a source of weakness. All these are relevant to nation-building as well. The wordliness of this place we live in will destroy us if we rely on ourselves alone. Perhaps it is for this reason that The Great Architect of the Universe, the GAOTU of the Freemasons, taught us in the Bible (through Christ) to band together so that we may reinforce or even admonish one other.    

In summary my view is this: for societal relations and nation-building, I turn to Freemasonry. And for my spirituality, I turn to Christianity. Freemasonry is one of the ways we could band together fraternally. It is not the only way, but it is the way I found myself travelling upon.

Moving Jobs

                                                    Photo from: www.searchenginejournal.com

I have decided to move jobs. Or perhaps I should say, the Big Boss has decided I should move jobs.

When the opportunity came a-knockin', I asked the Lord through intent prayer if this is for me. In the first place, this one was more of an unexpected opportunity. I mentioned to a good friend that I am considering leaving my current job (I had been in the same post in the last 9 years), and she readily mentioned that she knows of a company looking for a guy with my qualifications.

It turned out that the new job will only match what I had been receiving in my old job. But it offers a change in scenery, and will be a shorter drive from home. The Lord has been clear in His message to me: this one will not be about the money. And I think He is sending me to this new office to do something for Him. He is my God, and as Christians we must be discerning of His will. I am His work in progress, and I hope He uses me well to propagate His Word and expand His kingdom. As He is a generous God, I know that His generosity will not be manifested in the form of wordly, monetary rewards. I instead pray that He would reward me with great courage in my heart. Because at the end of the day; when it gets  down to brass tacks, it is not the size of the dog in the fight. It is the size of the fight in the dog.  

Genesis to Jeremiah in 5 Months

When my family and I attended church service in CCF on the first Sunday of January 2014, our pastor encouraged all those in attendance ot make 2014 a Bible reading year.  And he gave a small tip on how to read the whole Bible from Genesis to Revelation: read an average of 5 chapters a day.

That really encouraged me. I have attended Bible studies in 2007 to 2009, and have covered some books like Romans, Ruth and the first 5 books of the Old Testament. But I had always been staggered by the thought of being able to read the whole Bible, let alone do it in one year. Hearing Pastor Peter Tanchi's "formula", I ploughed right into it. And so far, I have been able to read from Genesis to Jeremiah, and it is just middle of May.  Now it looks very doable!

The reward is not really the bragging rights for having gone through the whole nine yards, so to speak. The real benefit is that I have learned a lot specially reading thorugh the Book of Kings I & II, and the Book of Psalms.  I feel that I know more of the will of my Lord and my God. And I feel closer to Him. [Photo from www.fanpop.com]